Our first encounter with greyhounds sealed the way we think about them, it was a horrible and lifechanging experience at the same time. We ended up in a small village and found more than 20 greyhounds kept in terrible conditions among pigs and cows. They were chained, wounded, some of them with broken legs, pregnant, exploited. We saved as many as we could. That night we had a 3 hours long ride with 9 dogs crammed to a small seat Ibiza. They were safely delivered to the Hungarian Greyhound Rescue. Later, they all of them got adopted and with our help they were manage to set free all the other greyhounds left behind. It’s terrible to even think of the fact, how many other dogs are in a terrible, vulnerable position around the world. It is sad that these fragile, miraculous creatures that were created for freedom are being exploited by humans. Not many people are aware of what happens to greyhounds, why they should be saved at the first place. In Hungary, almost 500 greyhounds arrives to the Hungarian Greyhound Rescue every year to find a new forever home. But this is just the tip of the iceberg.
We regularly support those, who fight against animal and greyhound abuse. Soon you will be able to help them through the webshop as well.
Scroll down and be conscious about all the ways you can fight and help.

February 1st is World Day of the Spanish Greyhounds. This is the end of the official hunting season in Spain and so is the start of “scrapping” the redundant galoges.
Hunting with galgos is a tradition in Spain, which includes the execution of those dogs that have become unwanted. According to public data, more than 170,000 hunters keeping a total of 490,000 galgos, of which about 50,000 to 100,000 animals become „unnecessary” each year. Unfortunately, the execution of greyhounds by assorted methods at the end of the hunting season is a deep-rooted tradition, perhaps best compared to the case of bullfighting, which is being banned in more and more places across the country due to international pressure and millions of petitions.
The strong international cooperation is trying to raise attention to the fact that cruelty cannot be hidden behind traditions. As a result of an enthusiastic initiative, many are trying to get involved in the rescue of spanish greyhounds in Hungary as well.

The greyhound racing industry treats dogs like machines. Greyhounds routinely sustain serious injuries while racing, but they have been denied veterinary care, housed in inadequate kennel conditions, and worse. They start racing too young the joints are not ready for the race. They may be drugged in an attempt to improve their performance, and females are often injected with steroids in order to prevent them from going into heat. Cocaine has even been found at greyhound racetracks.
Some “retired” greyhounds are put up for adoption, others are sent to breeding farms, and the fate of many is unknown. Some greyhounds meet a grim fate when they’re shipped to blood banks, where their blood is routinely taken and sold or the another option to export to China.

Greyhounds often end up in the meat trade. They are exported from Britain, Ireland and Australia to race in China and are kept in terrible conditions. Dogs that have spent their entire life racing and should be allowed to retire are sent to countries with no animal welfare protections; forced to race or breed. When they’ve outlived their usefulness many end up in the meat trade to be beaten, hung, boiled or even skinned alive, along with their unwanted puppies.

There are several dog blood banks around the world. Veterinarians and clinics buy blood from these heartless institutions. The donors, hundreds of dogs are spending their days in tight cages. Most dogs are retired race greyhound, as their blood is universal and can be given to any breed. The workers take the dogs blood every 10 to 14 days. Over time, these dogs will completely lost themselves and spend the rest of their years in awe.